Administrator Guide 2017
Template List
A list of templates

A list of templates

The Template List is the area from which templates are managed.

Initially all templates are shown but these can be searched using text entered in the top right-hand corner.  This can be cleared using the 'Clear search' link.

Left-click to bring up the template details (see Template help) or Right-click on an item to bring up a context menu offering Delete it or Duplicate

Duplication is recommended whenever making major changes, especially if a template is already in use - it can easily be deleted once things have settled down. 

Duplication is also useful for getting started on a new template - find one that is nearly suitable, duplicate it and make changes until it is exactly as required.  This saves time on creating a full hierarchy of document, page, section and standard items such as job reference.

Buttons at the bottom of the screen perform the following actions.

Add Template

Click this to create a completely new template from scratch.  Bear in mind the comments above about duplicating as this will save time on creating the full hierarchy.

Create template tag

This is another way of searching a list of templates by grouping them under 'tags'.  It may be appropriate to group them as quotations/invoices/receipts, by customer types such as public/private sector, in a long list it might be an alphabetical list such as A/B/.../JKL/... etc.  This simply makes things easier to find for maintenance and therefore reduces the likelihood of errors.

Once the tag has been created, a column of tick boxes appears.  Select a box in the appropriate column in line with the template to be tagged.  To search for a particular tab, use the drop-down list in the top left-hand corner.


These 2 buttons allow a template to be exported from one magic5 system and imported to another.  This is useful when moving from (for instance) the trial system to a permanent system, or if more than one system is being run in parallel.

The Export button downloads coded information which can be saved in an appropriate folder from which it can be Imported to the new system.  Any lists used by the template will also be exported and subsequently imported (if they do not already exist).

Add to/Remove from all customers

These 2 buttons add or remove selected templates to/from all customers.  Select templates using the tick boxes on the left.

To add all templates to a customer, use the Customer screen.


Select which template(s) need to be deleted using the tick box next to it and click this button. A confirmation box will appear after which the template(s) will be permanently deleted.


This allows more than one template to be duplicated at a time.

Select which templates need to be duplicated and click this button.  They will appear with the words 'Copy of' in the title and this can, obviously, be changed as required.
See Also